While the BCS conferences' media days were getting all the publicity the last few days, they weren't the only game in town. Buddy and Rochester headed down to the Super 8 in Ruston, Louisiana for the SunBelt Conference's Media Days (July 20 and 21). Here's the report:
Tuesday, July 21
9:20 am
Got some coffee and a lemon poppy seed Otis Spunkmeyer muffin (strongly suspected they were the same muffins from yesterday; possibly same coffee - shame on you Super 8!). Rochester and I met up with Chris P., Gary, and Chris R. from The Rustonian and reviewed today's media schedule. After conculding that we could probably make up quotes from Middle Tennessee, Troy, Western Kentucky, and Commissioner Wright Waters, we decided to get out of there and either play some mini-golf, get some bottle rockets, or shoot off some bottle rockets while playing mini-golf.
9:51 am
Got into West Monroe which, conveniently, had both fireworks stores and a mini-golf place. Wondered how the "announcements and welcome" were going since all the journalists had "[S]kipped that suck-show," Gary (The Rustonian).
10:30 am
While Troy Head Coach Larry Blakeney and quarterback Levi Brown were (probably) taking the "podium" (room 212's dresser, after the tv was moved into the corner), Chris P. (The Rustonian) got a hole in one on one of those L-shaped holes. You know, the one where there's like a triangle in the corner so if you hit it right your ball will go off in a right angle.
11:00 am
Western Kentucky Head Coach David Elson and receiver Jake Gaebler probably started in on how they were excited to be a part of the SunBelt conference or whatever. Rochester ate a big bag of blue cotton candy and drank a Cherry Coke Icee way to fast and had to go sit down because he didn't feel good. Chris R. (The Rustonian) totally shot a bottle rocket through the windmill on the eighth hole. We all gave him high fives except Rochester who was behin the polar bear on the fifth. He said he didn't throw up, but we all thought he did. Sick!
11:30 am
Commissioner Wright Waters started his portion of the day. We finished our round at the mini-golf place. The last hole has one of those traps where the ball goes back to the main office. Only Gary kept his and, after we turned in our putters and started driving away, rolled down the back window and whipped it at the office. He only hit the wall, but if it hit the window, it totally would have broken it! We had to book it back to Ruston because Chris and Chris and Gary's teacher was going to pick them up and if they weren't late the probably would have gotten detentions. Plus, Action Football! probably would have been arrested for kidnapping.
On the way, we brainstormed some fake quotes that those guys could use in their story and then compared mini-golf score cards. Chris P. was three under, Chris R. and Rochester were one under (even though Rochester didn't play the last two holes because he "wasn't" barfing - yeah right!), Gary was one over, and I was, like, five over. What can I say, I suck at mini-golf, haha!
Anyways, the SunBelt Conference Media Days were kind of boring but at least we met some cool dudes.
Don't get to crazy this summer, Chris P., Chris R., and Gary! (p.s. "pancake nachos"...you guys know what that means LOL!)